- fanfictions -

Title : Thrills and Spills
Author : Liez
Pairing : RuHana/HanaRu + others
Parts : 4

At the lights' exit, Mitsui felt a broad grin come over his face. Now was the perfect time to get Kogure alone! He reached out to his left and grabbed his lover's hand, marveling at its smoothness. Funny, I didn't think his hands were so slim…

He pulled the boy up and stumbled quickly towards the first door.


Kogure sighed with relief as his searching fingers finally encountered the smooth pair of spectacles. He straightened up, tucking them into his shirt pocket with the thought that he wouldn't be able to see more than a few inches in front of him anyway, when he was suddenly grabbed about the waist and hauled to the side. Mitsui has gotten a good bit skinnier since we last did this. Better make sure he eats more when we go for dinner later.


"Kenji?" Hanagata inquired softly into the darkness. When there was no reply, he moved forward cautiously, and after a few steps suddenly bumped with his shorter friend. Smiling to himself, he pulled the other boy to him and reached out, opening the third door and moving inside. Kenji doesn't normally seem so tall…guess it's just the dark.


Interesting how the darkness seemed to make Kiyota out to have grown taller. Jin pushed the thought aside and softly tugged on the well-muscled arm, before grabbing his hand and, grinning at what he had in store for his lover, opened the fourth door and entered.


Rukawa hadn't released Hanamichi's hand since they had entered. The redhead turned questioningly to the dark-haired boy, who leaned in and nuzzled his neck softly, making him tongue-tied. He blushed in the darkness, before as one in accord, they moved to the last door and opened it.

(Bravo, can you guess who ended up with whom yet?)


Mitsui entered the door just as the floor was rotating, and barely squeezed through at the last moment as a devilish cackle resonated throughout the room as the walls opened out into a dimly lit room where a half-dressed skeleton pranced about in a metal cage. He couldn't see the face of the boy in front of him though, but decided to push his luck. He leaned forward and cautiously kissed, managing to get Kogure into a lip-lock almost immediately. He tastes different today…like cotton candy…


Kiyota pulled Jin close to him and slipped his arms about the slender waist, moving deftly under the taller boy's embrace to plant a passionate kiss on his face, presumably somewhere on his cheek. Has Jin shrunk or is it just me? Ah, never mind, he's still Jin…my wonderful Jin…mmm…he feels different…I must be going crazy… Pushing the thoughts out of his head, his hands explored the broad expanse of back before kissing the other boy lightly, on the lips this time, and then deepening the contact just as the floor wheeled wildly around, nearly throwing them right into a room which walls felt suspiciously slimy to the touch.


Koshino blinked as his arms traveled much further up than he was used to, trying to encircle Sendoh's neck. Did he go through a sudden growth spurt without me noticing? He still looked vaguely the same height earlier…I must have been too used to him to realize…

End of part 4

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